
Metal Container Factory

Mercasid, S. A

Electrical installation and materials supply for a metallic cans fabrication plant, located at Haina Industrial zone. San Cristóbal, 2001

Bottling and Packaging Line No 8

Cervecería Nacional Dominicana

Suministro y ejecución de las instalaciones eléctricas, control e instrumentación, para la línea No.8 de embotellado, empaque y paletizado de cerveza, ubicado en la planta de la Cervecería Nacional Dominicana en la Ave. Independecia. Santo […]

Matches Factory

Fosforera del Caribe, C. por A.

Electrical design, materials supply, and installation of works for phosphorus matches manufacturing plant located on Highway Sanchez. Bani, 1999-2000

Cement Factory

Cementos Colón, S. A.

Detailed engineering, materials supply, and installation of electrical, control, and instrumentation works for a milling and cement manufacturing plant, and a clinker receiving terminal, located at La Canela, Port of Haina. San Cristóbal, 1998-1999

Sadiz Station and Post-Blending

Mercasid, S. A.

Detailed engineering, materials supply, and installation of electrical works for the Sadiz station and Post Blending, Maximo Gomez Ave. Santo Domingo 1999.

Project image

Los Ramos, S. A. – Warehouse Building

Sanoja Rizek y Asoc.

Detailed engineering, materials supply, and installation of electrical works and intelligent lighting system for the warehouse building, located in Haina. Haina, San Cristóbal 1999

Nypro, Inc.

Samuel Conde & Asociados, C. por A.

Electrical installation and materials supply for the manufacturing plant of medical packaging plastic injection moldings, located at Itabo Industrial Park (PIISA) at the industrial free zone of Haina. San Cristóbal, 1999

Rotary Press

Editora Listin Diario

Detailed engineering, materials supply, and installation of electrical works for the new press and substation expansion at Listin Diario newspaper. Santo Domingo 1998

Detergent Bars Industry

Sociedad Industrial Dominicana (today Unilever)

Detailed engineering, materials supply, and installation of electrical and control works for the assembly of detergent bars, located in the SID industrial complex of Maximo Gomez Ave. Santo Domingo, 1998

Cartones del Caribe

Cartones del Caribe, S. A.

Materials supply and installation of electrical works for the cardboard packaging manufacturing plant located at Las Americas Ave. Santo Domingo, 1997